Shadows and Mirrors: Looking Inside Relationships
How do we nurture and cultivate healthy relationships that can contribute to our happiness? Using the images of shadows and mirrors, Kristine points to the real opportunities for change: our own thinking, beliefs and behaviors. When we see that it’s all about us and we change; our relationships change. Say goodbye to others needing to change for us to feel better. Learn how the concept of the oneness of life and the environment can transform our relationships. Approaching our lives with compassion and curiosity increases our ability to find the peace we seek.
Balance: Four Legs of Recovery
Understanding that addiction is a symptom of pain and that all addictive behaviors are anesthetics, Kristine guides the listener through the four legs of her recovery: Buddhist practice, nutrition and diet, breathing/yoga/exercise, and healing trauma. Stressing that the now is the moment we have to live, Kristine offers new ways to incorporate life-giving behaviors into a life free of substances and destructive habits.
Transforming Karma into Mission
Karma is based on the law of cause and effect and is created through our thoughts, words and deeds. Kristine describes how we can transform the Karma in our lives into gems we can offer others. Learn to understand that life happens “for” us, not “to us.” Turning our pain and suffering into opportunities of education and compassion for others is the goal of transforming our Karma into mission.
Worlds of Possible
In exploring our life through the lens of the Ten Worlds as taught in Buddhism, we see that we are not our behaviors, nor are we our addiction. Join Kristine as she takes on you a journey through the Worlds and notice that we all have the potential to be in the World of Hunger, where addiction lies. And we always have access to the other nine worlds. We explore how we can go in and out all Ten Worlds within the course of a single day. We learn that we are so much more than our addictive behaviors and we are more than the world we currently find ourselves in. In this talk we begin to awaken to unlimited potential we all possess.
Broken Beauty: Transforming Pain into Possibility
Kristine shares her journey through addiction, pain, and life in order to help others understand that their perceived brokenness is, in fact, their beauty. Kintsugi, the Japanese practice of mending broken pottery with golden adhesive, is an apt metaphor for the beauty that can be found in our healing. Stunning examples of Kintsugi reinforce the truth that our broken places can be our strength and our light.
Oneness of Body and Mind: An Intimate Conversation
Although we can differentiate between our minds and our bodies, they coexist and cannot be separated, just as a car’s engine cannot be separated from the automobile itself. In paying attention to both mind and body, we can identify signals like depression and anxiety and pay attention to them rather than shut them down. Rather than looking at symptoms as something to fix, we get curious and look for the causes of the dis-ease we are experiencing. Kristine turns the “dashboard alarms” in our lives into opportunities rather than crises.
Contact Kristine for further information and to book A Talk.